sábado, 23 de junho de 2012

OVNIs & Arte Antiga


Esta pintura, na caverna de Val Camonica, Itália, tem 15.000 anos

Estes dois exemplos de arte incrustada na rocha são oriundos de Toro Muerto, Peru. 
Calcula-se que tenham de 12.000 a 14.000 anos de idade.

As imagens acima estão em Kimberley, Austrália. 
São pinturas rupestres de aborígenes australianos, possivelmente com 5.000 anos


Is this a replica of an ancient single-seat rocket-ship? That’s what it looked like to the late Zecharia Sitchin, the leading authority and scholar on the Ancient Astronaut theory. Hidden away in the Istanbul Archaeology Museum in Turkey for a quarter of a century. Sitchin describes this object as, "a sculpted scale model of what, to modern eyes, looks like a cone-nosed rocket-ship… Powered by a cluster of four exhaust engines in the back surrounding a larger exhaust engine, the rocket-ship has room for a sole pilot-actually shown and included in the sculpture."

He describes the pilot as sitting with legs folded toward his chest, and wearing a one-piece "ribbed pressure suit" which becomes boots at the feet, and gloves at the hands, and points out that since the pilot’s head is missing, we cannot know whether the pilot wore a helmet, goggles, or other headgear. The artifact measures 23 centimeters long, 9.5 cm high, 8 cm wide, or 5.7 inches long, 3.8 inches high, and 3.5 inches wide.

Sitchin spent years tracking down the artifact, until he located it at the Archaeology Museum in Istanbul. It was excavated at Toprakkale, a city known in ancient times as Tuspa, where the kingdom of Urartu reigned briefly over 2.500 years ago.


Lizard-headed figurines (Ubaid culture - location Iraq) from around 5.000 - 4.000 b.C.





From Sumerian culture to South American Indian cultures - they all have done carvings of creatures and technology.
Here is the famous Lizard Man.

Here are somehow similar Indian depiction of beings or humans in masks or astronauts.
The picture on the left depicts a weapon may be. It looks more advanced than a spear.

These are too complicated and the quality of pictures is too bad to come to solid conclusions. My guess is that these are vehiclesVarious transports possibly for space travel, flight in the air or depicted at the bottom would serve the purpose of ground transport. The most weird is the one on the right.



Svetitskhoveli Catedral, Mtskheta, na Geórgia, século XI

De um manuscrito do século XII chamado Annales Laurissenses.
Retrata um OVNI a sobrevoar uma igreja, no ano de 776 d.C., durante o cerco do Castelo Sigiburg, em França.


"A Crucificação", no mosteiro Visoki Decani no Kosovo, pintada nas primeiras décadas do século XIV.

"The Madonna with Saint Giovannino", Domenico Ghirlandaio, século XV


"A Anunciação (1486)", de Antonio Crivelli


Estas duas peças de tapeçaria foram criadas no século XIV. Ambas descrevem a vida de Maria.


"Arianna e Bacco" (1520-1523), Tiziano Vecellio

This is a tapestry called Summer's Triumph and was created in Bruges, in 1538.
It now resides at the Bayerisches National Museum. You can clearly see several disc shaped objects in the top of the tapestry.

O desenho acima é referente ao famoso evento de Nuremberg, que ocorreu em 14 de Abril de 1561
Na ocasião foram observados diversos objectos de formato cilíndrico a sobrevoar a região.

Na imagem acima, a representação de outro evento ufológico ocorrido em 1566, em Basel, Suíça. 
Diversas esferas voadoras negras foram observadas na ocasião.

Em 1660, navegadores alemães observaram um objecto que voava lentamente sobre o Mar do Norte. 
O relato consta no livro "Theatrum Orbis Terrarum" do Almirante Blaeu.

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